Navigating Passive Aggression - Adults 

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  • Ages: Adults - Ages 17 +
  • Level: Intermediate 
  • Duration: 1.5 hours
  • Date: Jan 14th 2024 
  • Time: 10AM  EST (GMT -05.00)
  • Pre Req: Understanding Anger Workshop
Workshop overview
Anger is a natural part of life. How we express anger matters! Passive Aggression is one of the most destructive and toxic forms of expressing anger. This fun, interactive workshop focuses on helping individuals understand what passive aggression is and how to identify it.  It helps participants identify if they or anyone around them is practicing this destructive form and how to manage it in the most constructive manner. 
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What's included?
Each workshop offers a solutions-based approach alongside practical tools to help participants. This interactive workshop raises questions about how we express anger, whether we are using passive aggression in any form and how to navigate those who may be resorting to passive aggressive behavior
  • 75 Min Live Session
  • 15 Min Q&A
  • 1 Interactive Game

How can you benefit from the workshop?

Become a Changemaker

Individuals attending the workshop will develop a greater understanding of the different levels of passive aggressive behaviour in our homes, schools and work settings as well as tools to identify it and navigate it

Practical Tools and Strategies 

The interactive, fun, solutions-based approach alongside practical tools provides individuals with tangible strategies and tools to apply at school, at work, and at home. It helps us realize  and learn that while feelings and emotions are natural, our responses can be a controllable even when facing people who are passive aggressive in nature.  

To register 3 or more people in this workshop

The workshop really helped me understand people around me and how to tackle situations when I face them...This session was very thought provoking. It really helped me be very aware of my own personality.
Noreena Shams  - PSA Athlete
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Navigating Passive Aggression - Adults


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Meet the instructor

Sana Farid

Sana Farid is a Conflict Transformation Practitioner. Sana has a Master’s in Peace Studies with a focus on Conflict Transformation from the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana. Sana has over fifteen years of experience working with children and youth across North America. 
Patrick Jones - Course author
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